The Best (and Worst) of 4 Websites
Facebook Facebook has a large varieties of users and members. The layout of the website is efficient and easy. Joining the site is simple enough that a sixth grader can create an account. The many uses of having an account is wall posts, status updates, "liking", commenting, event pages, calendar updates, page follows and "likes". My own personal use is for a business page to reach out to clients on newest products and updates. Facebooks layout is simple and has three tabs in the left corner for feed, messenger, and profile. Another feature of the relaxed layout is the side bar that gives you the links to different applications Facebook has to offer; such as the events, page follows, groups, calendar, messenger and such. LinkedIn LinkedIn is a website I am just getting used to. So far I have found it somewhat accessible. I created an account and have connected with eight people as well and updated work and school information. I wish...